Make time for learning
Now that children are back at school, they will be more eager than ever to learning new things. Now really is the best time to start them early on the important life skills like telling time.
Of course, where do you start when it comes to teaching the time? Surely that’s the school’s job?
However, 7% of the population can’t tell the time using a traditional clock face, so don’t leave it to chance and it’s an important life skill so start early. We have two systems on how to tell the time but both are equally successful and both simple. Our clocks are perfect for the kitchen or the bedroom, and our wristwatches are designed in a wide range of colours and styles- so there is a something for everyone.
Having a clock and watch at home means that children will no longer have to ask for the time, they can read it themselves. If you start teaching your child to tell the time with the two or three step teaching systems and one of our easy to read clocks and watches be prepared to watch their confidence soar. With over 50,000 worldwide sales in only 3 years we know it will work for you.
See what some of our customers think.
To make it even easier for you, we also have a number of free resources suitable for children aged 4-11 years which will keep the kids entertained over the January weekends. It’s a piece of cake getting the kids excited about learning, just download our popular clock face drawing sheet for starters!