Help your child learn a new skill this year with our first watches
The New Year is the perfect time to learn a new skill. For children, who can absorb new things like sponges, the learning never stops, and if your child is in primary school, then the chances are they are about to or have already started learning to tell the time. To help them master this skill will ease and confidence, now is a good time to consider buying them their first watch. A children’s first watch should be easy to understand, bold and colourful, to help encourage them to want to tell the time independently. Please read on to find out how our EasyRead first watches can support children in their learning.
Suitable for young learners
Our time teaching watches are suitable for children from 4 years of age, making them the perfect accessory for those starting primary school or moving from reception into Year 1. The clear face design and bold numbers are easy for young children to read and the different coloured styles and straps mean you can tailor the watch to suit your child’s preferences.
Simple time teaching method
Wherever you are in the world and however your child is learning to tell the time, we have a simple time teaching system to help them. Whether it is the ‘past and to’ method of telling the time they need or to express time in terms of 12 and 24 hours, our systems provide simple steps to help build confidence.
Learn more about our time teaching systems here:
No missing information
In the early days of developing our EasyRead time teaching products, we carried out thorough research into why children were falling behind in their learning. We discovered that 80% of the information they need to read the time easily was missing from most watches and clocks. Typically, most watches and clocks will show the numbers for the hours, but not the minutes. They might have line markers indicating where the minutes should be but this is not helpful for children when they are first learning to tell the time, particularly as the hands often fall between two lines.
Our first watches feature all the numbers children need to tell the time and designated areas for each minute, so they can easily read the numbers that the hands tell them, in the right order.
Choosing your child’s first watch
At EasyRead we offer lots of different options when it comes to finding the perfect first watch for your child. You can configure their watch by choosing:
- Standard or camouflage design
- Water resistant or waterproof styles
- Choice of face colours
- Choice of strap colours (with further choices of coloured straps sold separately)
- Time teaching method – either ‘past and to’ or ‘12 & 24 hour’ system
Click here to get started and help your child learn this valuable skill.