EasyRead Time Teacher

Make time for learning

Now that children are back at school, they will be more eager than ever to learning new things. Now really is the best time to start them early on the important life skills like telling time. Of course, where do you start when it comes to teaching the time? Surely that’s the school’s job? However, … Continued

Delight your Nieces & Nephews this Christmas

Christmas is a very special time for all the family. It’s a time when families get together and nothing is more enjoyable than seeing the look of excitement on your Niece or Nephew’s face while they rip open their Christmas gift. Are you having difficulty shopping for the children in your family this Christmas? Our EasyRead … Continued

The Perfect Holiday Season Combo

Telling the time is part of Kindergarten and also an important life skill. As a parent, it’s only natural that you would want to prepare your child for this big step in their lives. EasyRead Time Teacher is the simplest and most effective time teaching system for children. Give your children a Holiday gift that … Continued

The perfect Christmas Combo

Telling the time is part of the National Curriculum in Key Stage 1 and also an important life skill. As a parent, it’s only natural that you would want to prepare your child for this big step in their lives. EasyRead Time Teacher is the simplest and most effective time teaching system for children. Give … Continued

The perfect gift this Christmas!

They’ve written a list, they’ve probably checked it more than twice and now you’ve got the hard part of buying presents! What better Christmas gift for your little ones than the gift of time?  Our colourful clocks are perfect for children who are nearing school age. Learning how to tell the time is a daunting … Continued

Make their first watch count…..

EasyRead Time Teacher watches really are a fantastic present to give to the important child in your life – the gift of learning to tell the time. Every child has to tell the time as part of their Key Stage 1 maths syllabus. Our wristwatches and clocks will make the process of learning to tell … Continued

Our customers are our best advert

Our greatest advert is our customers – which we have over 30,000 worldwide “1 hour taught my kid to read the time. No more being woke up on a Saturday morning early to be asked if its time to watch tv.” Kevin W – Oct 2015 “My daughter learnt to tell the time in a day … Continued